Letter to Customers – March 26, 2020

Dear Customer,


I wanted to give you an update on where things currently stand at Weldaloy Specialty Forgings.


On Monday March 23rd, 2020, Our State issued a “Stay at Home” executive order in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our State’s executive order includes exceptions for certain businesses to remain operational. These exceptions were set by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).


Weldaloy has been deemed a “critical essential infrastructure” through CISA guidelines, and therefore will remain operational. We are focused on keeping our production up and running for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, we have seen little or no impact to our suppliers by this outbreak as well, though some orders might have longer lead times than usual. Please reach out to your Weldaloy sales representative and/or project manager if you need specific details on your order(s).


Weldaloy is committed to doing our part in working to mitigate the COVID-19 outbreak within our community. We have made multiple adjustments in support of this goal—including all employees that are able to work from home at least through April 13th. Additionally, our production staff is adhering to social distancing guidelines while working and are frequently using personal sanitation practices. We have also arranged for third party sanitizing to take place in appropriate portions of the facility.


Understandably, these are extraordinary times with news and information regarding COVID-19 outbreak changing daily. We will continue to listen to the advice and guidelines from the CDC and the WHO to continue to conduct business safely for our employees and our community.


I will keep you posted on any updates in the future regarding any changes to Weldaloy’s practices as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. I thank you for your continued support for Weldaloy Specialty Forgings as we continue to work together as valued partners well into the future.


Please stay safe and healthy,



Best Regards,


Kurt Ruppenthal

Vice President and General Manager